Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Power in What You Behold

Even though Esther Hicks does not appear in the current version of The Secret, she was the main teacher in the original version and most of the teachings about the exact mechanics of the Law of Attraction were done by her. Whether you believe in that whole channeling thing or not, what she teaches is powerful.

I saw this bit posted recently from a workshop that Esther did in North Carolina in 2004. It concerns the healing powers of the Saviour:

Jesus is said to have been a powerful healer. And the reason that he was is because when he looked at you, no matter what your current temporary state of physical condition, he
did not allow himself to behold it, instead--he saw you as he knows you to be.

And because he saw you in your wellness, and he saw you that way so powerfully, your illness could not abide in his vibration. There just wasn't a place for it there.


I have posted before about how I no longer give any energy to thoughts of me being sick, even if I feel the initial symptoms of it. I just completely ignore it and move on. I am not sure that I am really seeing myself healthy, but I am doing everything possible to avoid seeing myself sick.

Now I wonder what power and effect it has when I look at someone else? Do I see them as being healthy and well or do I see them as being sick? How much will it help them if I see them as being healthy and well? I am going to have to experiment on this some and I will report back later what I find.

Also I will be posting soon about the reality that we see all around us. Read this for a sense of what I will post about.


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