Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Health and the Law of Attraction

When I first saw the movie The Secret, I was amazed by the ideas presented about health and disease and The Secret.

Now I do not have and I have never had any really serious diseases, but I have noticed a difference in my life since I learned and started to apply The Secret.

I used to find myself one day with cold symptoms. My reaction would be "Oh no! not again! and then I would come down with that cold for the next seven to nine days. Similar occurrances would happen and I would end up with bronchitis or sinusitis (sinus infection). Even the odd ear infection.

Now since seeing The Secret, I have learned that I do not want to give any kind of energy to these kinds of things.

Now what seems to happen is this: At some point I begin to detect cold symptoms coming on. That part has not changed! But now I completely and utterly ignore them, and do not give them any thought whatsoever. Energy cannot flow where no attention goes I believe, and I am testing the theory in my own life.

Well I have not had a cold, or a bronchitis, or a sinusitis for over a year now since I started doing that. I am 39 years old and to some extent my body is better at fighting these things now since I am older with a more experienced immune system, but the complete reversal is startling.

And I had another strange experience. Sometimes my ears fill up a little with wax and I go to the doctor to get it professionally removed. (Yes I could be attracting the wax, but I do not know how yet). So I went about three months after watching the secret and my doctor told me that I had a big ear infection in one ear.

Now I have had these before and they HURT! But this time I did not even believe her because I could not feel anything. When I focused specifically if I was feeling anything I could detect maybe a little pressure in that ear, but no pain whatsoever. It was really weird!

Based on all of this I would have to say that The Secret has so far proven to be true in my life with regard to Health, and based on James Allen saying "those who live in fear of disease are the ones who get it", I have determined to give no energy at all to any thoughts of me having any disease.

Like what you read here? Learn all of The Secrets of The Secret.


1 comment:

shir said...

i've watch The Secret - it's awesome.
Here’s something i love to share with you.. a free report on attraction acceleration.
You can download it.. they talked further about Law of attraction...
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Reaching Out… Touching Lives