Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Law of Attraction and Giving Directions

I am writing about cases where the Law of Attraction, or more specifically knowing about it, has made my life easier.

Recently my wife was flying in to the Houston Airport and I needed to give her directions on how to board the right parking bus to find the car I had left for her. There is a bus with a small blue sign and a bus with a small red sign, and she needed to take the one with the red sign.

Prior to watching The Secret , I would have told her to get on the Red bus but not get on the Blue bus. Invariably what would later happen would be when the time came she would be confused, because I had said both red AND blue, and she could not remember which was which. This is an example if we put what we do not want (blue bus) next to what we do want (red bus).

But since I had seen the Secret, I remembered to focus on only what I did want, and so I told her to take the Red bus and said nothing at all about the blue bus. Having those instructions, my wife found the car without any trouble whatsoever. When she saw the blue bus, she knew immediately that it was wrong because I had not even mentioned it, and so she found the red one.

I used to be a good one for giving people confusing instructions because I would tell them what I did want them to do followed by what I did not want them to do. No wonder people got confused. Now I just omit the do not want part. I also now try to phrase everything in terms of what they should do, and not necessarily what they should not do. This has helped as well, because it puts the focus on all the right things.

If you have not seen The Secret, its really cool! I strongly recommend it.


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