Monday, January 4, 2010

And Then It Was Gone ???

It was really interesting to me to watch the rise of the DVD The Secret through it's first version (with Esther Hicks), then it's second version (Without Esther Hicks), and then the book. I have all three of them.

I credit being involved with a Network marketing company will helping me to hear about it soon enough to get the Esther Hicks version. It was only available for a few months and then it disappeared suddenly.

For a while this whole thing was the darling of the press.

And now it seems to have all but disappeared. Even *I* stopped blogging about it for over a year, because I was too busy doing other things I deemed more important. I have founded a computer help company based on what I love to do and me duplicating myself doing it. You can check me out at . My "Secrets of The Secret" eBook is out of print (funny thing), but I bet I can find a copy for someone who is interested for a good price.

There are still some forums out there where a few folks discuss The Secret, but it is completely gone from the press. It is interesting that none of the spin off movies have garnered any press at all that I have seen; and I wonder if the creators of the Secret saw that the time was passed and thus they never delivered on what was once a promised sequel from the same production company. I had been looking forward to it, as I am sure several others were.

As a result of the movie, I am on the Bob Proctor Insight of the Day list, the Mike Dooly Notes from the Universe, and the Joe Vitale mailing list. The Joe list is 99% marketing which I ignore, but he throws enough gems on there (about 1-2% of the time) to keep me from un-subscribing.

I note how the press and by extension all of society seems so much less interested now since it is no longer a "new" thing.

But it remains a very important thing, because something continues to happen behind the scenes that I am not sure that a lot of people are seeing.

And that is that the vibration of the entire Earth is increasing.

What will be the effects of this?

You are seeing them already. It pulls everything towards the poles. There are more rich people now in the world than ever before, and there are more poor folks than ever before. What is happening to the middle class . . . ? Yes, *shrinking*.

It may be hard for some of you to believe this, but one of the effects of this is that things are attracted *faster* than before both good and bad. Anyone wonder why the average time that someone keeps the same job now is on a steady decrease, and is now less than three years? Yep, you guessed it, because companies and the economy are moving faster. Did anybody besides me notice how the economy went from being good to being bad in about three days (at least as the press reported it)?

What will be very hard to do in the future is what most folks have been trying to do all along, and that is to keep working the same traditional job and stay in the middle class. This is going to get harder and harder to do.

The future is for everyone who can to start their own business and then live or die by the value that they provide and the marketing that they do. Those who do this and learn and keep at it will get richer in any economy. Those who try to keep the status quo, and who have only one stream of income, will never get ahead because their job searches take their savings and they are drowning in debt and they will fall out of the middle class on the poor side.

I do not mind if you do not believe me. After all it is only the world that I see that I am describing. Perhaps in the world that you see this is all different. If that works for you then I say go for it; assuming you like the job that does provide your one income stream.

But if there is any chance that I am right on this, then now is not the time to be forgetting the lessons learned in the movie and book. Now would be a good time to be studying them further.

Unless you already automatically attract everything that you want that is.
