Friday, September 21, 2007

The Emerald Tablet

In the very first part of the movie The Secret, we see Rhonda reading the book A History of Egypt. Soon after that, we are shown a depiction of "The Emerald Tablet". Have you ever wondered what said tablet says? Well here you go, with commentary. This translation is by Sir Isaac Newton himself.

1. Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
-- A lot of "truth" there. No lies to ultimately get us to the truth.

2. That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
-- As Above, so below.
-- This is a powerful statement designed to help us understand the relationship between us and God/The Universe. We tend to think that us vs. God = Two VERY different things, but this suggests otherwise. And what are the "miracles of the one only thing"?
-- We call them manifestations . . . or the results of the Law of Attraction.

3. And as all things have been & arose from one by the meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
-- As within, so without.
-- All things arose from one by the meditation of one . . . well who was that I wonder? :-)
-- So all other things are born of this one thing. Are we still thinking we are so much different from God now? Yes He is better at manifesting than all of us . . . but what did Jesus mean when he said the following? "The works that I do shall he (they) do also; and greater works than these shall he (they) do, because I go to my Father".

4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
-- Put now into terms of objects that are familiar to us, namely the two biggest things in the sky.

5. The wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
-- We are still talking about the "one thing" here. The manifestations of attraction and vibration.

6. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
-- Some are quite sure that he left us to fend for ourselves.

7. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
-- What is the proof of the Law of Attraction? When your manifestation takes physical form! All things are created Spiritually before they can be created Physically.

7a. Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
-- Understand that the spiritual creation lives within the physical one.

8. It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it desends to the earth and receives the force of things superior & inferior.
-- Still talking about the one thing, in this case how our thought energy transcends all time and space to bring us things both superior (what we want) and inferior (what we do not want).

9. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
-- A message for anyone who thinks that any human life should be lived in obscurity!
-- Something to ponder: What is the glory of the whole world?

10. Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
-- Even Physical walls are not as powerful as our manifestations based on our thoughts will be. When we finally allow ourselves to understand this truth, then our power shines forth. Then we really can be "The Light of the World". And the light of the body is the eye . . . therefore if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light!

11. So was the world created.
-- By the Law of Attraction. A fairly sizable manifestation.

12. From this are & do come admirable adaptations where of the means (or process) is here in this.
-- When so many of us understand our power, and manifest awesome things, the vibration of the entire planet is raised. This in turn helps all of us raise our vibration further. It is a virtuous circle.

13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
-- Note from the author. These are the conclusions of his study of all philosophy.

14. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.
-- So we do not have to wait for any reason, the timing of our manifestation is RIGHT NOW. All things that are needed to be created to support us are here with us, and we with them.

-- Final thought: The message of the Emerald Tablet is alchemy, and is also that there is plenty of power for personal transformation, and that we have been ignoring our power for long enough now.

A glorious work in progress . . .


Sunday, September 16, 2007

From Whence Cometh Happiness ??

OK, if you were paying very close attention to the scene in The Secret with John Asseref's vision board, the you saw the statement printed thereon: Joy is the best measure of success!

I often hear people say something like the following: When I have _____, then I will be happy.

The statement is born out of a misunderstanding. Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a journey. What is the difference beteeen happiness and joy? Joy is a feeling, and an emotion. Happiness is a lifestyle.

So what is required for happiness? You could ask anyone who is truly happy. The following ideas are meant to get you thinking about the subject, not to convert you to a certain way of thinking.

Is living in a nice house required to be happy? Yes. But there are *all* kinds of nice houses. Who has to think it is a nice house? Why you, of course.

Is having prosperous circumstances required to be happy? Well, I had to think on this one for a moment, but No, not required. I would like to say it helps, but in some cases it hinders.

Is being grateful for our current conditions required? Yes! 110% Yes.

Is knowing about or trying to live the Law of Attraction required? Sorry guys, but No.

Is the opportunity taken to be of a benefit to others required to be happy? Aye Aye. Yes.

Must we seek for spirituality in order to be happy? Yes, if we want all of it.

Must we drive a luxury car in order to be happy? Only if we think so.

Can we be happy or have joy in any kind of dishonest dealings? Nada. Nothing that lowers our vibration will make us happy.

Can we be a victim and also be happy?

No, not completely.

Can we be happy even if we have bad memories, or memeories of bad things?

Those are all in the past. Happiness and joy are in the now. In the now redefines the future.

Does being forgiving make us happy? A definite Yes. Its not bad for the rest of the world either.

Does uplifting others make us happy? Yes! A proven way to get there.

Do any of the emotions on the "bad" side of the emotional guidance scale make us happy?


But only when we realize that they are guidance telling us something, and when we properly understand what the guidance is telling us. That lesson will invariably lead us to happiness and joy, but short of that, NO.

Is there ONE overriding principle; One grand emotion; One mode of thinking that includes all of the others already listed; that is empowering within itself; which all low vibration flees from; which overpowers all negativity; which casteth out all fear; which destroys all doubt; which energizes all who come in contact with it; which has the power to command all other emotions; which raises our vibration to a Heavenly state; which is the best conduit in this lifetime to understand God; which puts us in total 100% command of all aspects of our reality; which shapes our very existence; which transcends all other human emotion ??

Well I am glad that you asked . . .

Because YES there is . . .

What is it ??

You already know,

and you never needed me to tell you.

I just wanted to be there when you fully realized it.

Now that you know . . .

What can you do now?



Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Great Example of Follow Your Bliss!

One of the best things, I think, about the popularity of the movie The Secret is the number of people who are now trying to "Follow Their Bliss" to attract greater success into their lives.

The movie does not speak any at all about talent, but what seems to happen is that once someone starts to follow their bliss, then they suddenly discover talents they have that were previously undeveloped or unused.

There was a striking example of this recently on the show Britian's Got Talent, which is similar to the US show American Idol. Paul Potts, a shy mobile phone salesperson from Wales, had often thought of singing for a living. It was something that he enjoyed doing. It was something that he was pretty good at.

But it was not something that he had DONE.

And all of that potential talent was just sitting on the shelf --- gathering dust.

But he finally decided to do something about his dream. The following clip shows his initial performance on the show. No one had ever heard of him, and no one knew what to expect. Watch what happened . . .

(I will let you have just a moment to recover)

. . .

. . .

Well what was future then is history now, and history records that not only did Paul Potts capture everyone's imagination after that first performance, he went on to win the entire competition!

As a result he was set to sing before the Queen, and also is working on, if he has not already released his first CD.

What a great story! Because he was willing to take a risk in front of the whole world, his life has been completely transformed! He followed his bliss, and the Universe opened doors where there had been only walls.

Well that's great for Paul. . .

But what about us?

If we are seeing walls, and not doors, then we should check to see if we are doing what we really want to do. As we develop our talents in those areas, we will become top 1% in the world for what it is that we do. See my previous post on talents for more on this.

May you find the doors that the Universe wants you to find.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

To Earn, or Not to Spend! That is the Question.

If you are like me, in your past you were taught the following:

You must spend less than you earn.

This statement is of course 100% correct! It is also the worst kind of *lack* thinking. Did you notice that they did not say this once in the movie The Secret ??

Whoa! You say, I learned that from the financial books that I read! --- I know. So did I.

Let me be clear that it is not a sin to think this way. Also 99% of the world thinks this way.

. . . but . . .

God does not think this way. And believing this, we find we now need to pay attention.

Lack thinking will prevent us from living in the magic of life; but we are not required to live in the magic of life, it's only if we want to!

Lack thinking will encourage the Universe to manifest financial issues for us; but we are not required to have financial issues, it's only if we *want* them.

And for those of you who say "but I have financial issues and I do NOT want them!" ----- There you go again, focusing on what you do not want. You are attracting it.

OK, you say, if "spend less than you earn" is lack thinking, what should you say instead?

I am sooooooo glad that you asked!

Are you ready ???

Make more than you spend.

It's really just that simple. Think about it. Focus of statement one is "spend less". Focus of statement two is "make more". Notice the implicit statements as well . . .
1. Spend less than you earn (Your income is limited so you must be sure to not test it).
2. Make more than you spend (Your income is unlimited, you can decide how much you want).

I must thank Robert Kiyosaki for the following, which is further proof of this:
Poor Dad Always Said: I cannot afford it. (Shuts the brain down)
Rich Dad Always Said: How can I afford it? (Gives the brain some creating to do)

Neither had the money to afford it at the beginning. Its not even about whether we have the money at the beginning . . . it's about whether we think lack, or think abundance.

And while that is easy to write, it is a little tougher to do if we have not practiced. The following should help.

We must listen to ourselves. What we speak is powerful. Are we speaking lack? We must stop immediately!

An experiment. Think of a money amount right now that if you had that much in the bank you would be set for life. How does that feel? Now compare: Multiply that amount that you just thought about by 1000, and get a new amount. Now how does it feel having this new amount? If it feels worse, or if you are now in any way afraid, then you have some issues with money that need to be cleared up.

Do not forget yourself! If there was fear in your experiment, was that possibly because you know that having money of that magnitude really enhances who and what you already are, and you are just not 100% sure that who and what you are is where it should be yet?

Now for the kicker . . . . .

When you think of "money", do you respond with A. Love? or B. Fear?

Maybe you are thinking of the scripture that says "for the love of money is the root of all evil". And because of that, you now have a fear of loving money. Is it any wonder we are all messed up on this one?

May I suggest that having feelings of love around money, and "loving money", are two completely different things? Being evil is the root of all evil. Having money only determines how widespread that evil would be. "Loving money" means not loving people, and THAT is the problem the scripture seeks to address, and it gets progressively worse the more money there is. Sometimes this problem is called "pride". One slays it with Gratitude.

But we must seek to have feelings of love around money; like we feel like we trust it, we can count on it to be there for us, it won't let us down. We can count on it to grow for us and manifest more than we need.

Your bills? All opportunities to express appreciation in the form of money. The balance on your last bank statement? The Past. Put the feelings of love around money, and it will start to show respect to you.

Money loves to come where it is welcomed, and it is welcomed by value. Find a way to provide more.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Big Decisions

I will cover two of them. These topics are hinted at in the movie The Secret, but not addressed directly.

Decision 1: Love or Fear? Sometimes the same question is phrased as Faith or Fear?

When something that you are not expecting manifests. . . Oh what did I do to derserve (or to attract) this ??

Irrelavent. It's here now. It's coming is in the past, it's going is in the future, but your decision is RIGHT NOW.

The scripture says: For perfect love casteth out all fear. Not surprisingly, perfect fear casteth out all love.

How do we feel when we choose love? That's guidance telling us that we are doing the right thing!

How do we feel when we choose fear? That's emotional guidance telling us that we are now acting in a way that is contrary to our true nature. If we were supposed to be fearful beings, then emotional guidance would have us feeling really good about that fear.

We never feel good about False Evidence Appearing Real.

Decision 2: Freedom or Security? Some may feel that these are the same thing. They are not.

In fact the one repels the other. Seeking security reduces freedom, and seeking freedom can seem to reduce security, at least at first.

Who has the most Security? The people in Prison. Very little freedom though (Thank You Robert Kiyosaki for this one :-) ).

Who has the most Freedom? Those who have obtained all three of the three dimensions of success. They are 1. Financial Freedom -- 2. Time Freedom -- 3. Freedom to bring Joy to others. (Thank You Donna Johnson for that).

Those who seek Security seek for a Job. One with benefits and a Secure paycheck. In exchange they give up their time freedom for 40-80 hours a week (counting commuting time).

Those who seek Freedom seek for a Business. One that they can build to the point where they have both financial and time freedom. One with which they can bring Joy to the life of others. One in which they are rewarded according to the value that they provide.

The happy compromise? Keep your day job, and start your own business.

One last thing. The combination of both questions can change your life. Seeking security based on fear will reduce your freedoms. Think: Patriot Act, Domestic Spying. Only a fearful population will consent to giving up these freedoms.

Seeking freedom based on love is the hidden doorway to the magical NOW.

The magic and joy is in the journey, AND the destination.

It is not an exclusive road.

You can drive whatever (business) vehicle you want. . .

See you there.
