Sunday, September 16, 2007

From Whence Cometh Happiness ??

OK, if you were paying very close attention to the scene in The Secret with John Asseref's vision board, the you saw the statement printed thereon: Joy is the best measure of success!

I often hear people say something like the following: When I have _____, then I will be happy.

The statement is born out of a misunderstanding. Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a journey. What is the difference beteeen happiness and joy? Joy is a feeling, and an emotion. Happiness is a lifestyle.

So what is required for happiness? You could ask anyone who is truly happy. The following ideas are meant to get you thinking about the subject, not to convert you to a certain way of thinking.

Is living in a nice house required to be happy? Yes. But there are *all* kinds of nice houses. Who has to think it is a nice house? Why you, of course.

Is having prosperous circumstances required to be happy? Well, I had to think on this one for a moment, but No, not required. I would like to say it helps, but in some cases it hinders.

Is being grateful for our current conditions required? Yes! 110% Yes.

Is knowing about or trying to live the Law of Attraction required? Sorry guys, but No.

Is the opportunity taken to be of a benefit to others required to be happy? Aye Aye. Yes.

Must we seek for spirituality in order to be happy? Yes, if we want all of it.

Must we drive a luxury car in order to be happy? Only if we think so.

Can we be happy or have joy in any kind of dishonest dealings? Nada. Nothing that lowers our vibration will make us happy.

Can we be a victim and also be happy?

No, not completely.

Can we be happy even if we have bad memories, or memeories of bad things?

Those are all in the past. Happiness and joy are in the now. In the now redefines the future.

Does being forgiving make us happy? A definite Yes. Its not bad for the rest of the world either.

Does uplifting others make us happy? Yes! A proven way to get there.

Do any of the emotions on the "bad" side of the emotional guidance scale make us happy?


But only when we realize that they are guidance telling us something, and when we properly understand what the guidance is telling us. That lesson will invariably lead us to happiness and joy, but short of that, NO.

Is there ONE overriding principle; One grand emotion; One mode of thinking that includes all of the others already listed; that is empowering within itself; which all low vibration flees from; which overpowers all negativity; which casteth out all fear; which destroys all doubt; which energizes all who come in contact with it; which has the power to command all other emotions; which raises our vibration to a Heavenly state; which is the best conduit in this lifetime to understand God; which puts us in total 100% command of all aspects of our reality; which shapes our very existence; which transcends all other human emotion ??

Well I am glad that you asked . . .

Because YES there is . . .

What is it ??

You already know,

and you never needed me to tell you.

I just wanted to be there when you fully realized it.

Now that you know . . .

What can you do now?




Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph. Just wanted to drop by and say that I love your blog. It's very intelligent and inspiring.

God bless,

Emily S.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is really enlightening! Keep it up!
