Sunday, September 9, 2007

To Earn, or Not to Spend! That is the Question.

If you are like me, in your past you were taught the following:

You must spend less than you earn.

This statement is of course 100% correct! It is also the worst kind of *lack* thinking. Did you notice that they did not say this once in the movie The Secret ??

Whoa! You say, I learned that from the financial books that I read! --- I know. So did I.

Let me be clear that it is not a sin to think this way. Also 99% of the world thinks this way.

. . . but . . .

God does not think this way. And believing this, we find we now need to pay attention.

Lack thinking will prevent us from living in the magic of life; but we are not required to live in the magic of life, it's only if we want to!

Lack thinking will encourage the Universe to manifest financial issues for us; but we are not required to have financial issues, it's only if we *want* them.

And for those of you who say "but I have financial issues and I do NOT want them!" ----- There you go again, focusing on what you do not want. You are attracting it.

OK, you say, if "spend less than you earn" is lack thinking, what should you say instead?

I am sooooooo glad that you asked!

Are you ready ???

Make more than you spend.

It's really just that simple. Think about it. Focus of statement one is "spend less". Focus of statement two is "make more". Notice the implicit statements as well . . .
1. Spend less than you earn (Your income is limited so you must be sure to not test it).
2. Make more than you spend (Your income is unlimited, you can decide how much you want).

I must thank Robert Kiyosaki for the following, which is further proof of this:
Poor Dad Always Said: I cannot afford it. (Shuts the brain down)
Rich Dad Always Said: How can I afford it? (Gives the brain some creating to do)

Neither had the money to afford it at the beginning. Its not even about whether we have the money at the beginning . . . it's about whether we think lack, or think abundance.

And while that is easy to write, it is a little tougher to do if we have not practiced. The following should help.

We must listen to ourselves. What we speak is powerful. Are we speaking lack? We must stop immediately!

An experiment. Think of a money amount right now that if you had that much in the bank you would be set for life. How does that feel? Now compare: Multiply that amount that you just thought about by 1000, and get a new amount. Now how does it feel having this new amount? If it feels worse, or if you are now in any way afraid, then you have some issues with money that need to be cleared up.

Do not forget yourself! If there was fear in your experiment, was that possibly because you know that having money of that magnitude really enhances who and what you already are, and you are just not 100% sure that who and what you are is where it should be yet?

Now for the kicker . . . . .

When you think of "money", do you respond with A. Love? or B. Fear?

Maybe you are thinking of the scripture that says "for the love of money is the root of all evil". And because of that, you now have a fear of loving money. Is it any wonder we are all messed up on this one?

May I suggest that having feelings of love around money, and "loving money", are two completely different things? Being evil is the root of all evil. Having money only determines how widespread that evil would be. "Loving money" means not loving people, and THAT is the problem the scripture seeks to address, and it gets progressively worse the more money there is. Sometimes this problem is called "pride". One slays it with Gratitude.

But we must seek to have feelings of love around money; like we feel like we trust it, we can count on it to be there for us, it won't let us down. We can count on it to grow for us and manifest more than we need.

Your bills? All opportunities to express appreciation in the form of money. The balance on your last bank statement? The Past. Put the feelings of love around money, and it will start to show respect to you.

Money loves to come where it is welcomed, and it is welcomed by value. Find a way to provide more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

things that make you go ...hmmmmm

Very well said! I am one of those people that was raised with the philosophy "spend less than you earn". I never considered it *lack* thinking, I always thought that was just good common sense! I definitely agree with you..... "Make more than you spend" flows much smoother off the tongue and feels much better in the pocketbook!