Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Where Should You Rank When Using Your Talents?

If the message did not come across clearly as you were watching The Secret, one of the main points of the movie is that we increase our chances of being successful a hundred fold if we put our energy into creating what we love, and not competing for it. When we create in an area where we have been blessed with talent, then we will have the "inside edge" in that area.

And some of you shrewd readers already recognize a competition theme here in even talking about where we would rank; please forgive me, I am talking in terms that the general population can understand. It is clear from the movie and the Wattles book The Science of Getting Rich, that we must get rich by CREATION, not competition.

But here's the skinny: If there are ten distinct talents in the world then someone who is creating based on theirs should statistically land in the top 10% of that industry.

If there were twenty distinct talents in the world, then someone creating with theirs should land in the top 5%.

If there were 100 distinct talents in the world, then someone creating with theirs should land in the top 1% of that industry.

If (as seems likely) there were more than 100 distinct talents in the world, then someone creating with theirs would be well within that top 1%.

So if you are not presently in the top 1% of some industry, I would ask the following question:

Why Not?

The answer might be that you are not leveraging your talent, or it could also be that your talent is now being expressed in an environment where it is little appreciated and where the money earned from it is bounded by contract of employment.

People who are living in the magic and abundance of life have all done two specific things in relation to their talents:

1. They have joined or set up a business system that allows them unlimited income from using their talent(s). Their earnings become now a matter of how many people they can help. The more people they help, the more money they earn.

2. If their talent(s) do not fall within the areas of Sales and Marketing, then they hire or partner with someone who is talented in these areas, because they realize that the world's greatest talents will not find full expression if no one else knows about them.

Not in the top 1% yet?

What are your talents?


1 comment:

Jolande said...

Hi Joseph, Nice blog! Shall we make an link to each other blog's?

Love Jolande