Monday, July 9, 2007

Have Other People Attracted Some of Your Actions?

In the movie The Secret we learn about the Law of Attraction, and the movie focuses mostly on what we attract to ourself. But what about what other people around us are attracting? Are we fulfilling the attractions of others with some of our actions (without even trying to)?

Case in point. There have been a couple of recent occurrences in my life that were strange, because my actions were strangly out of character for me, and I do not have any reason why I did the things I did.

1. I am normally a very friendly and courteous driver. I always let someone in if they are trying to get in. Except this one time. This one time I totally made great efforts to block someone from getting in for no reason at all. I did not know this person, I was not in a bad mood, I had not had a bad day at work, in short I had absolutely no motivation to do what I did, but somehow I did it anyway. I spent the rest of the day wondering why I had done that.

2. I recently took the kids to one of these pancake type resturants. The service was good and I gathered up cash at the end to pay the bill and add the tip. I had clear in my mind that I wanted to pay the $59.00 bill and add a decent tip, say $6.00. So I left $65.00 on the table and left thinking I had left my normal 20-25% tip that I always do for good service.

It was not until about three hours later that I looked back and realized that I had only left a 10% tip, and that waitress would be wondering why I shorted her. Well you might say that it was just a brain freeze and I was not thinking right, and I would normally agree except to say that this does not happen to me. I never do tips in my head and come out with the wrong answer. So I spent the rest of that day wondering why I had done that.

Here's a possibility: Those people attracted my actions. Perhaps the first person was in their vehicle affirming how bad the traffic is and how unfriendly the drivers are and how everybody always tries to cut her off. Perhaps the second was thinking here's a guy with four kids who are breaking all the crayons and making a lot of noise, he will probably stiff me, that always happens to me.

Well unfortunately I do not know either person and I do not expect to ever see either of them again. So I wonder if similar things have happened to you? Have you done some things that were out of character for yourself and later wondered why you did it? Have you noticed that others acted out of character towards you in an unexpected way? Can you think of any way you might have attracted that? You may not be able to, because it could be a subconscious attraction drawn from programs running in your mind.

What do you think?


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