Sunday, January 27, 2008

What if a Much of a Which of a Wind

what if a much of a which of a wind
gives the truth to summer's lie;
bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun
and yanks immortal stars awry?
Blow king to beggar and queen to seem
(blow friend to friend: blow space to time)
- when skies are hanged and oceans drowned,
the single secret will still be man

e e cummings

Yes, if we could figure man out, then it seems that we would really know The Secret.

I have some questions that have not been answered about this:

1. Why do so many not seek knowledge? It is one of only two things we will leave this world with.

2. Why do so many fear change? Change happens because things happen for us to understand our life better. Change happens for us to learn and have new experiences. Without change we could not learn anything at all. Until we are all knowing, we *need* change.

3. Why do so many ignore their vibration? Because they do not understand the question? Perhaps. But why are there some who see a movie like The Secret and then not be interested in researching further? Our vibration is the other thing that we will leave this world with.

4. Why are men born? Why do they die? Why do they spend so much of the time in between wearing digital watches? (Could not resist: Douglas Adams)

OK scratch the last one, I am in one of those moods.

Just some things I have been thinking about recently:

The movie The Secret talks about how to attract the money you need into your life . . .
but your decision to be happy and joyful can only be made right now, before you attract the money.

The movie talks about how to improve or attract better relationships . . .
but your decision to be happy with your current relationships can only be made right now, before you have a chance to apply the secret.

The movie talks about how to attract better health . . .
but your decision to be grateful for the health you have can only be made right now, before you attract greater health.

The movie talks about how to attract the things or the people that you need to succeed . . .
but your decision to be happy with what you have achieved can only be made right now, before you attract greater success.

Does anyone see a pattern forming here? Maybe even a disconnect?

Behold the power of now. Now is created for you and refreshed at every moment by what your conscious and subconscious minds are doing. Your conscious mind is the rudder, which steers the ship that your subconscious mind powers.

At every moment you can steer it towards joy and gratitude.

If you are paying attention that is.

You can also consciously decide not to steer the ship at all, in which case you will be driven about on the waves and tossed; or you can decide to steer the ship towards anger, revenge and competition, which will run you right into Hurricane Consequences.

Hurricane consequences can be category one or category five. You should know; you created it.

So what will your life, starting from this very moment on, be like?

I'll decide that after I have attracted a few things that I want or need?


Put off the decision, and be tossed by the waves.

Decide right now, and reach the Harbor of Contentment.

So what exactly what are you waiting for?

(I thought so)


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