Friday, January 18, 2008

WELCOME to the Grail Quest

I have not gone crazy. I know that Dan Brown was not in The Secret. What Dan did do was to get a lot of people talking about subjects that are important to us all, and the Book and movie The Secret did the same thing.

So what is the grail quest?

I leave it to the historians and authors to debate about whether the grail was a cup or a bloodline. Either idea does not change the right now occurrance of my life. It just illustrates that there are still so many things that we do not know . . .

And we would be ignorant if we did not expect that there are not some surprises in what we do not know which will eventually be revealed. When the Lord comes again I imagine that He will set that record strait. I would not count on a difinitive answer much before that time.

But I speak today about the modern day grail quest, or the quest to understand the natural laws of the Universe in which we live.

You see, understanding a law gives us power over it.

But the understanding must come first.

We came to understand the law of gravity, and then we proceeded to defy it with the invention of the airplane and the rocket ship. You could argue that since we understand it that we now have control over it. Want to go up instead of down? Get a hot air balloon. It works.

And so we begin to have some understanding of another natural law, namely the law of Attraction, which is really the law of vibration.

But do we understand the power that we are dealing with?

If someone were to truly master the Law of Attraction, they they would be,

essentially . . .


At least of their universe. And their universe is the only one that matters, because it is the only one in which they can live. We cannot create in another's reality.

What is your universe? Is it what you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell?

You think it is.

But it's more like the holodeck as portrayed on Star Trek. None of it is real.

Before I lose you, please allow me to explain what is really happening.

You see something, and a picture appears in your mind. What has really happened is that your optic nerve is sending impulses to your brain that are forming the general specifics of a picture. But the brain clarifies the picture based on a set of rules that is taught to us from our childhood on up. Many of those rules are stored in the subconscious.

So it is our own set of rules that forms the picture. We see a table top and we believe it is "solid".

And yet if you whip out a proper electron microscope and look at the exact same thing, you will see that 99% of the table top is made up of space.

Oh and by the way, of that 1% that is perceived to be solid, we have now looked further and found that 99% of that 1% is also just empty space.

We have not had the technology to check this next one yet, but it seems possible that the 1% of that first 1% is also 99% space. It would not surprise me in the least.

So we have proven essentially that the table top is hardly solid, but appears to barely exist at all!

So why does you hand (which is also 99% space at the very least) not just pass through the table when you come in contact with it?

Because you come in contact with the one thing in the picture that is real, and that is the energy field and its state of vibration. A "solid" table has a very slow vibration. Your solid hand would also typically have a very slow vibration. The energy fields repel each other, and your hand is not able to pass through. You also receive the sensation of feeling the table as another impulse sent to your brain that is deciphered with the same set of rules that what you saw was done with.

Here is the Earth shattering revelation that is really coming out of the book and the movie . . .

You can change those rules.

And when you change those rules, then your whole universe changes.

Just like changing the program on the holodeck . . .

And giving the actors within different scripts.

Did you know you were paying these actors for their work?

Did you know that since you are paying them . . . you get to tell them what to do?

When one of them does something that you do not expect, you might ask yourself:

Why did I give you that script ??

And if you can find the reason that you did, you will have learned something about yourself that you could have not earned in any other way.

OK you say, that is all fine and dandy, but I do not get the Law of Attraction to work for me consistently . . .


Because you are not supposed to be a master of it at this time.

We were born into this Earthly existence with a BIG disconnect. Two pronged.

Prong One: We do not remember our previous existence, how powerful we were, how cool we were, how great things were. How cool our family was.

Prong Two: The powers of attraction are generally controlled by our subconscious mind, and not our conscious mind.

We are essentially conducting an experiment. What would happen if you took a powerful and immortal being and placed them in a situation where they did not have a clear connection to their power, and no memory of how powerful that they had been.

What would happen?

You can easily tell me, because you are living that experiment right this very moment.

You see, if we had a clear connection to our subconscious, as well as a restored memory of who and what we really are, we would be extremely powerful.

And are we ready for that power?

I think not.

Or else it would have already been given.

Some of the teachers in the Book and Movie, especially Joe Vitale in a recent book, are claiming to help you get in touch with your subconscious to help you reclaim your power. They share what may work for them.

And it may work for you, or it may not.

So what is the modern day grail quest?

To come in contact with our own subconscious.

Some would say that we are trying to come into contact with our "higher self".

I cannot tell you how to do that, in any way that is guarenteed to work for you.

And neither can anyone else.

I recommend that you do your own study, because there is clearly much more power available to us than what we are currently exercising . . .

And as we take the steps to unlock that power, we will at the same time prepare ourselves for the responsibility of having that kind of power; for unto whom much is given, much is required.

And we will want to be ready for that.

Or we could just decide to wallow in the disconnection from our power.

We get to decide.

So decide already.


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