Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Secret and Network Marketing ??

Did I scare you off already?

Well, to be fair, they do not once mention network marketing in the movie The Secret; so why am I writing about it here?

Well, quite frankly, because I have my wife's network marketing company to thank for the fact that I was introduced to the movie the Secret the very month it was released back in March of 2006. I got the see the original edition with Esther Hicks.

And she rocked.

Had I not been introduced to the movie through that channel, then it is very possible that I would not have heard of it to this day, because I was not looking for it, and I was not travelling around in circles where anyone was interested in it.

I have had a lot of interesting insights come to me as a result of helping my wife out with her Network marketing business. The training meetings that I have attended with her were outstanding, and very inexpensive and sometimes completely free of charge. Training on how to think like a business person, training on how to better relate to others. Training on how to put your mind to work in helping you reach your goals.

I have since priced these kinds of trainings on the open market outside of a Network Marketing company. You could expect to pay thousands of dollars.

So, if nothing else, the network marketing industry is the greatest training secret known to man.

I have a clear understanding of why some people do not like it. Prior to my wife's starting a business, I had been chased, hunted and almost killed twice by people from other network marketing companies. I understand the bad experiences that people have had, because I have had them too.

In fact I still am not 100% positive in my own belief that a network marketing business is something that that many people would want to do.

And this is why my own attempt in the business resulted in me recruiting exactly zero people.

But my wife was able to find a groove, and has built from nothing a business that does 40,000 to 60,000.00 a month in business. I am so proud of her. She drives the company car, which is the White Mercedes.

So what does the secret have to do with all of this? Well let me tell you a little story of how my wife managed to reach the Mercedes driving level of her company:

Mercedes drivers generally do $40,000.00 a month or better in the business. My wife was sitting at the management level right below that, the level between $10,000 and $40,000 dollars for several months, fluctuating in that range. Making a decent four digit income, but not driving the car.

The one day, specifically Nov 1, 2005, she decided that she was going to qualify for the next level, the car level, in the next two months finishing by December 31. She made the decision, and then worked the next two months of her business as if it were true.

This is all that I can tell that she did any differently. I was watching her the whole time. She did not change her presentation system. She did not change her prospecting system. She did not change anything at all that I could see on the outside.

But she made a significant change in what she was thinking. And she did not doubt, and also I did not detect any fear that she would not make it.

Well you might guess what happened. That November she doubled her volume from the month before, putting her over the $40,000 mark. She did finish by December 31, and we picked out and bought her White Mercedes on Jan 2, 2006.

All of this was about three months before the movie came out.

When we saw it my wife said Yes! That is exactly what I did!

So here is another secret I have learned about the network marketing business that was very interesting, and which for me explains why several people have such a hard time with it.

The business is 10% about what you are doing, and 90% about what you are thinking and believing.

Yes, that's right, only 10% about what you are doing. Compare that to your typical work for someone else job which is 90-100% about what you are doing, and 10% or less about what you are thinking. The worst one's of all are the ones where they specifically tell you that they do not want you doing any thinking. Yes I once had one of those jobs.

So people struggle in the business because they spend 100% of their time trying to improve their actions, which is 10% of the business. At the same time, people who get their minds right build massive organizations and paychecks and seem to put in very little physical effort. People just flock to them.

If you want to see a great example of what can happen when you get you mind right, go talk to anyone who is a mega-success in Network Marketing. Amazing!

So the movie The Secret is the coaching and the instruction of what you want to do with your mind.

And the Network Marketing business in one way (among others) to test out what you have learned in a real world environment.

If you are brave enough, I say try it. You cannot possibly do worse than I did, and yet I see my experience as a great positive because of all of the things I learned, mostly about myself.

And *that* is the whole point of the game.


1 comment:

AdriansCrazyLife said...

"The business is 10% about what you are doing, and 90% about what you are thinking and believing." I've been in Network Marketing for about four years and I think this statement is very true. The difficulty is that it is easy to change your actions, but not as easy to change your thinking and beliefs. That's why I've been consistently in the bottom levels of my business rather than in the top like your wife.