Saturday, November 10, 2007

AI Meets The Secret

The 2001 movie AI: Artificial Intellligence was a pretty divisive movie. People either loved it or hated it, and that feeling got stronger in either direction on a second or third viewing.

This tells us that an increased vibration is caused by this movie. It pushes towards the poles and the middle ground disappears.

So what does this movie have to do with The Secret? I am so glad that you asked.

First, and most important in the movie, is the idea of a machine that can love. Could it happen? We universally said NO before we had a better picture of what love really is.

What is Love? It is a vibration; in fact it is the highest vibration. It is an energy vibration that we direct with our own minds and thoughts. We make it happen, we also stop it from happening. Could a machine be programmed to emit that vibration?

Well . . .

In the movie The Secret, they talk about how they can now measure the frequency of a thought, because all thoughts have frequencies. John Asseref explains this part. If we can map that, then why would we not be able to design a machine that did that same thing?

The answer is that there is no reason to assume that we cannot do that. Sure there is a lot of physics and science and engineering to be done, but mapping the vibration is an ultimate guarentee that it WILL happen.

And here is the next question. Would that machine, that emits the same energy vibration that we have measured and called love, actually attract things? Asked another way, does it know what it wants?

Well what it wants will be programmed. Fear can be left out of the programming. The machine is an energy field operating in a larger energy field, and we all are also energy fields operating in a larger energy field. So I ask this . . .

What's the difference?

From a vibrational point of view I mean.

I am not sure that there is one. I am also not sure of the wisdom of building such a machine. We cannot possibly guess how it would act. No human can constantly emit the vibration of love 100% of the time, but this machine would. We just do not know what the effects of this would be. So to anyone who is thinking of building one I say this . . .

Please don't.

On to the other fascinating part of the movie, which is at the very end. In case anyone is confused the alien looking guys are portrayed as the 2000 year evolution of the robots. It is reasonable to assume that once AI reaches a certain point that it can do its own research and advancement. We are no where near that point today.

So those are robots at the end, and they have the technology to assemble a human body that has passed on from a sample of the DNA. Here is the really interesting part: They have discovered that the memories of all of the human beings, even though they have been gone for 2000 years, are stored somewhere in the space time continum.

So they are able to recreate that live and supply it with many of the memories that are stored somewhere; but they find that the being will only live for one day, and their explanation is that life seems to have a bound in time and it just does not function correctly when it is brought back outside of its schedule.

Why one day, and not more or less? Probably the extent to which the machines can support that life, becuase they have to likely supply energy and vibration and a bridge to the memories or everything just falls apart.

Now, for the surprising part. Quamtum Physics describes an energy field which is called the zero point field. Its discovery came as a result of watching things at the subatomic level when something was frozen to absolute zero. In theory there should be no motion of any kind at that temperature, but the scientists have detected motion. This is where the name comes from when it is called the "zero" point field.

So what is the Zero Point Field? Well, in some crazy way it was very well described by Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich. He called it "thinking substance". I am not sure how Mr Wattles knew about this 100 years ago when the current theory is so recent. In short, the zero point field contains the energy from which all things are made and manifested.

Further current theory suggests that all of our memories are not actually stored in our heads or in our brains, but are stored out in "The Field" in eggs or something of that nature. This is the theory that the machines at the end are quoting. Bet you did not expect a quantum physics lesson when watching this movie.

I recently heard Deepak Chopra speak to this subject. In the current research being done into the mind and how it works, the first discovery is that there are thinking cells all over your body, not just in your brain. So the first leap was that the mind encompassed the whole body, not just the brain. The next leap came with the discovery of the field, and if the memories are really stored there, then you would argue that your "mind" is not even in your body at all!

Uhhh, so where would it be then?

Within your higher self.

And what is that?

All of the Intelligence, and the Power, and the Glory, that is the real you. I mean the real you as a cosmic being who is the child of a Heavenly Father. Who and what we are is defined by this relationship, which is literal, and not figurative.

But we do not remember all of that here, because we were not meant to. We are unlimited and abundant beings living a human life of limitation. We are meant to rediscover our power. We are meant to understand lack thinking and then conquer it. We are meant to seek abundance and find it. We are meant to understand joy and live it. We are meant to increase the vibration of all others that we have the chance to meet.

Those of us who move towards these things discover the magic of life.

And the magic of life is something for us to remember, not something that we need to learn.



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