Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where Is The Promised Sequel to The Secret ??

Normally I like to write about things that I might have answers for, or at least suggestions.

The folks behind The Secret were originally saying that we might expect to see a sequel to the movie as early as August/September 2007 time frame. Well since it is almost 2008 now we can say that that was not even close.

They did come out with something different recently, around the subject of gratitude. I doubt that there are many of us who could not benefit from cultivating more gratitude into our lives; but this is not the sequel and does not claim to be the sequel. Also I have not seen any announcements whatsoever about the sequel and I am wondering at this point if perhaps they will cancel it altogether.

Perhaps some of the criticism has just been too harsh. I personally believe that Rhonda did this movie originally as a labor of love and I am quite sure that she was not expecting the popularity that the movie received nor the shrill criticism that it has brought against her personally. It must be kind of weird when millions of people are expressing appreciation to you in the form of buying your book or movie but at the same time hundreds of people are throwing all the mud in your direction that they can find. If Rhonda had really wanted this part she could have just run for political office.

So now I wonder if she has a debate going on in the back of her mind as to what can now be accomplished with a second film. Certainly more criticism will come, and I am not saying that this would necessairly scare her off, but I bet that she is doing a cost benefits analysis in her mind if not on paper as to what a second movie/book could accomplish.

It would obviously sell millions of copies or DVDs. That part is clear.

But it would also start round two of the smear Rhonda campaign, which is unfortunate. I do not believe that she deserves much of the negative criticism that she gets.

There is some evidence that she has distanced herself. She used to post early on to the Secret Forum at powerfulintentions. She has not posted there in quite a while now and she does not respond to PIs there. I know, because I have sent them to no response and others I know report the same. She is rarely interviewed anymore, and in fact I have not seen her anywhere since her appearence on Oprah, which was almost a year ago now. I could have missed her somewhere obviously.

One thing I have learned is that time dilutes all effort. If they do not come out with a sequel at some point, the effort that they put in with the first one will be diluted further and further by the normal passage of time, until hardly anyone remembers it. The press seems to now think the entire thing is yesterday's news.

Perhaps Rhonda likes the quiet, but this work is just too important to just fade quietly into the background. If Rhonda would like my assistance in any way in bringing the sequel to life, she should feel free to contact me. The Secret is a story that needs to be told.




Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a sequel to the secret coming. I have personal spoken with many of the original cast members and they have said nothing about it. They have however, spoken highly of a new film that feature the return of many of them. The film I am refering to is the OPus. I have not seen it yet, but I know it features Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Morris Goodman, Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle and Others.

Joseph Wood said...

I have to agree. If they were planning anything within the next 12 to 18 months I am sure we would have heard about it in a Secret Scrolls message.

I have not personally been impressed by any of the knock offs, including the opus.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think The Opus was a knock off. I thought they went in a very different direction. It was less mystical and I felt the informaiton was better. And regardless of your thoughts on the lessons no one can dispute that the story was by far much better. I think The Secret and The Opus stand out as the strongest personal development life changing movies ever created.

Anonymous said...

I recently saw the film The Opus and I jsut wanted to say that I really enjoyed it and felt it was a great companion piece to The Secret. I am confident that if you enjoyed The secret you will like the story and teachings of the Opus. It comes across as a timeless journey through our commitment to better ourselves. It is a story not only of grasping our personal success, but how we can bless the lives of others by giving back and creating a better world. I give this film my highest regards.