Sunday, December 16, 2007

Then I Will Be Happy ??

The first time I watched the original edition (with Esther Hicks) of the DVD The Secret, I had not previously heard of any of the presenters except for Jack Canfield, and I had just heard of him, I had not read any of his books.

But many of them, especially now that the movie has been so popular, are now doing what I would love to be doing, and that is writing books and doing paid speaking engagements. I look at them and I think to myself: Wow, that is a great example of where I want my life to be in the future! To me it seems like that when I reach that point, I will have "arrived", and the rest of my life will be spent in the "magic of life", like they talk about in the movie.

But I picked up on something that I did not expect recently, and that is that there is no arrival, nor should there ever be.

Take Bob Proctor as an example. In many ways seems like he would have it made, right?


Then I wonder why does he do such hard marketing on programs that cost four digits that he is selling? Most recently I was invited to join the "Science of Getting Rich" club. What a bargain! All the wisdom from the book that you can download for free at , and you can get Bob's opinion on all of it for only $1,999.00!

Heck! If you like to pay that much for opinions, I will give you mine for only half that price! What a bargain! Pay my PayPal account at JOW Research.

At the risk of being an unbeliever, let me state that it is hard for me to imagine how such a program as this could be a good value for anyone! The only thing that you can count on is that two thousand dollars will leave your account and go to Bob's. In return you may get an inspiration or two that may or may not do anything for you.

I have a better idea . . . READ THE BOOK YOURSELF. YOU DO NOT NEED BOB.

James Ray has the "Harmonic Wealth Weekend". There is hardly a faster way to drop a thousand dollars for nothing concrete in return.

If you like these teachers in the movie then buy some of their books. It is really hard for me to imaging how you would need to do anything more than that. WHY??

Because you have to find your own way. The James Ray way only works for James Ray, and the Bob Proctor way does not work as well for anyone else but Bob Proctor. The DVD The Secret is trying to teach you that you have full control over what's going on, so the improved version of your life must originate from you and cannot come from another.

So we are meant to always be learning in this life. If we come to a point of success where we now think that we have "arrived", and this means that we now stop learning, then that is the absolute worst thing that could happen to us! We are meant to always be learning.

So follow me on this: If we are meant to always be learning, then there is always going to be a higher level for us to get to. For me it is to start doing paid speaking engagements. For another it may be to start charging five digits instead of four for their speaking engagements. Point is that is is never going to seem like we have arrived, and like I said, it never should.

So if we are waiting to "arrive" before we are fully happy, there is going to be an issue, because by design we are never really going to get there.

The Magic of Life is being happy where you are . . .

Right Now.

Yes, right now I am still overcoming a pretty bad cold. pretty easy for me to think that I will be so much happier once it is gone!

Maybe. But what typically happens is that one day later I forget all about it, take my normal health for granted, and am truly no happier than before. It is missing that gratitude part that prevents me from really being any happier there.

So what am I trying to say? Only this:

1. If you cannot be happy Right Now, then why will you be happy later?
2. If you are not happy right now, then I bet you will discover some missing gratitude if you look for it.

So for me the path is clear. See and feel the gratitude, so that I can feel the happiness and joy right now. My continued learning will get me where I need to go.

Yours may be similar.


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