Monday, December 10, 2007

Global Warming: The Chicken or the Egg?

In the movie The Secret, we hear James Arthur Ray talking about how the universe does everything that it does with zero effort. Grass does not struggle to grow, it's just this great design.

The same designer who created you and I as well, just so we are clear on that.

So here is a question: Does the Earth struggle to maintain a proper temperature or a proper range of temperatures? Even in the face of us putting additional CO2 in the air than would have ever been there otherwise? Or maybe it's because we have allowed too many cattle to be created, because the methane from bovine flatulance is the number ONE source of greenhouse gases?

If the Earth was such a great design to begin with, and there are so many systems in place to balance each other, why are we thinking that man through any action he takes can really mess it up?

Nobody is for pollution, but is it really creating the dire circumstances that you hear on the news? We could all drive less, but to do something about the number one cause we would have to reduce the number of cattle somehow.

The real question is whether the designer of the Earth had fore-knowledge that man would be here and had fore-knowledge of what man would do. When you stop to think about this for a moment, you realize that it is impossible that He would not have had that fore-knowledge.

So then we ask did He design accordingly, or did He miss that part? It is hard for me to imagine that he missed anything.

The great design that was the creation of this Earth would have taken all of the future actions of man into account, and that should be a comforting thought for any who believe in the Great Designer (read: God).

For those who do not believe in the Godly design, who believe instead that it just all kinda came together naturally, I am afraid I am unable to help you on this subject, sorry.

But now to an important point. "Global Warming" as something to worry about is a real force, not because there was necessairly any validity in it's creation, but because it was reported as news and people believed what was reported. Independent of any truth or untruth behind it, it will be a source of concern for anyone who believes in it.

And the only way to break out of that trap is to let go of the belief that something said on a news program should have some bearing on what your own world is like.

Stop allowing outside influences define your world and your life.

Your entire world is created from within, not without.

Do not contribute to a non-starter becoming an issue because you prefer to allow others to think for you.

There is no salvation in this life for those who will not stand up and think for themselves.



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