Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Three Most Important Words in The Secret ??

If you were to pick the three word phrase that contains the most important message in all of the book or the movie The Secret, what would it be?

Your first guess might be "Follow Your Bliss", and that is an extremely good guess. Who would have thought that one simple three word phrase could communicate so well what we should do that will bring us to the magic of life.

But did you think of this one, said almost in passing by James Ray, where he said you've got to get really clear.

First of all, do we even know what this really and truly means?

So to help you to fully grasp the concept being presented here, I have to share a little history with you.

You were a very powerful attracting being prior to your life here that you know. When you came here you were disconnected from your previous power in two distinct ways. . .

1. You passed through a "veil of forgetfulness". Because of this you have no memory of your life previous and no memory that you even had a life previous.

2. The link between your conscious mind (where you are completely in control of the action) and your subconscious mind (which does all the attracting and has all of the real power) was abstracted. This means that generally there is a disconnect between the two, and that disconnect can really make it difficult for us to attract as well as we used to (I mean in the sense of attract what we want: we are attracting things we want and that we don't want all the time).

WHY were you disconnected from your real power in these two distinct ways? Well, that is a completely different discussion that I do not have time to get into in this posting, but it sufficeth me to say that there was a reason for it, and it is a very good reason.

So if you find yourself "attracting by default" or attracting wildly with seemingly little control over it, then WELCOME! You have reached planet Earth. It was meant to be this way to start, and it will ever be this way until we learn and understand some very specific truths about our own existence. Oh, and that part about 98% of the subconscious programs that run (or ruin) your life being put there before you were 2 . . . That was also part of the same plan. You had no control whatsoever over what programs were put in there.

So here is what happens. We look at the things we are attracting, especially the ones we are complaining about, and we have watched or read The Secret. Now we understand that we need to change what is going on in our own head before we can change the conditions around us.

But guess what? Changing your conscious thoughts IS NOT ENOUGH to create the real change!

I will say it again . . . it is NOT ENOUGH. The reason why is because the change we have made to our conscious thoughts has not made it to our subconscious mind, and so our subconscious mind continues to operate as before and we continue to get the same results that we got before.

But that's not fair! Who ever said life was . . . :-)

No, there is an additional step required before any real change happens. Your new thoughts must be introduced to your subconscious mind; and this is not necessarily a strait forward process.

And yet try this experiment with me, which will only work if you are about 35 or older. I will start a phrase that was on a TV commercial. This is a TV commercial that has not been on the air for at least 30 years now. See if you can complete the sentence:

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, ____ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______ !

There is a 99% chance that you knew the answer (which is posted at the bottom of this posting for those who are curious). My question for you would be: Why do you know that ??

Were you *trying* to learn it? NO. Did you even care to learn it? NO. Are you mad at me now because you cannot get that stupid jingle out of your mind now? YES.

Sorry about that, had to be done. We know how you learned it. You learned it through a process that is called Spaced Repetition. The combination of the words with the music created a medium where the message could, over time, with repetition, be pushed down to your subconscious; where you have immediate recall of it even 30 YEARS later. That's a hint of how powerful the subconscious is. Notice you did not need the music to recall it, that was only a transport mechanism to get it to your subconscous in the first place, and is not required afterwards.

So it becomes clear that nothing really changes in a big way until you can get something new into your subconscious. So how do you do that?

I wish I could tell you, but I do not entirely know myself. If I did I would have already made some major changes to my world.

But I do have some hints to share that may be helpful, and they are based on quite a bit of research in the movie The Secret and outside of it.

The first thing is the James Ray quote, you have to get really clear. This means that you have to expend mental energy to put the thing you are wanting in your mind as much as possible. Now understand that you will not be able to keep it there 100% of the time. In fact if you could keep it there even 10% of the time I would have to say that is really great work! You create vision boards and play movies in your mind, add sound and even smell if possible, all of which to further ingrain the image in your mind. One day I mean to try singing an affirmation to see if it is more powerful when music is added.

So here is the part that I do not fully understand, but I *think* what happens is that every now and again the pipe between the conscious and the subconscious clears up a bit and the materials in the conscious transfer to the subconscious. When this happens the subconscious will rewrite programs based on the new data that has been provided. So the reason for keeping what you want in your mind as much as possible is so that it will be there when the pipe opens up.

In the movie, Jack Canfield says that when he walks in nature that seems to open the pipe some for him. Some others say that meditation can open the pipe some. The point ot understand here is that what works for Jack Canfield may or may not work for John Doe. Because of this fact I would advise against paying anyone any amount of money so that they could tell you how to get in touch with *your* subconscious. I mean how could they really know that ?? Answer is that they cannot, they can only tell you what worked for them, and it may or may not work for you. But they will not give you a refund if it does not work for you, will they?

So we get really clear. Really clear about what we are wanting. Really clear combined with feelings on the good side of the emotional guidance scale.

We do this at spaced intervals; and as we continue to do this then it becomes only a matter of time before the new thoughts can get into the subconscious to help rewrite some of those programs.

And then our world can change in a big way!

At least that is how I think it works.

Would anyone like to confirm based on your own experience?

(Plop Plop Fizz Fizz; Oh What a Relief it is! --- This jingle for Alka Selzer played extensively in the 1970s on TV commercials, but has not ever played since to my knowledge)


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