Monday, October 1, 2007

God and The Secret

Those of you who have watched the movie The Secret or read the book know that they reveal some amazing things, many of which seem like spiritual truths.

And yet they are not doing it from the point of view of any specific religion. In fact the concept of God is barely mentioned; and never discussed.

Add to that the quote by Neale Donald Walsch about "no one will stand in judgement of it, now or forever", and it is not a surprise that some start to wonder if the truths taught in The Secret can be reconciled with their religious beliefs. And what about all the money? Materialism?

If you have had any of that conflict within you, then I salute you. The truths taught in this movie are very powerful, and yet it is a good thing for us to be careful at first with any new information until we can apply the "test of truth" to it.

And what is the "test of truth"? That is the question now isn't it! For those who follow the Christian scriptures, the answer is given by the Lord Himself: "By their fruits ye shall know them". In other scripture we read that "all that is good cometh from God".

Things that are good invite, entice, and persuade all men to do good. The movie makes the delicate point that you must think good before you can really do good. All of their efforts to help us "think good" are for one sole purpose, and that is so that we might do more good, provide more value, enhance more lives, including our own. The movie is making the point that we must enhance our own life before we can clearly enhance another, and this is in line with the messages from Robert Collier and Wallace Wattles upon whom much of this work is based.

So the question becomes: Does the movie and the book do the things that we just described?

Everyone must answer this question for themselves, I would never presume to do it for you.

But if you come to the answer that it is good, and as such ultimately from God, then comes the part of fitting it in with what you already believe about God.

This need not be an arduous exercise. I cannot spell out how every belief fits in because there is a very wide variety of religious beliefs, but I can state a few things that may help. Obtaining clarity of mind and singleness of purpose will bring the required inspiration for the rest.

1. Why is God mentioned so little in the movie?
A: I make a guess, because I was not involved in the production of the movie, but I am pretty sure it was done in order to make the movie acceptable to as wide an audience as possible. If any hint of the movie leaning towards any specific religion appeared, then a great many people who were not of that faith might feel less welcomed. This was done because it had to be done to reach as wide of an audience as it has reached.

2. What does the Neale Donald Walsch quote mean about no one standing in judgement?
A: Neale can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that he is referring to what we decide to do with our life, i.e. our career or our choice of what to do with our free time. There are some who believe that God wills them to a certain career, which in some cases is a career that they do not enjoy. The movie says "Follow Your Bliss". He is saying that God will not adversely judge those that do so. The scriptures say that man should, of his own free will and choice, bring to pass much righteousness, and be anxiously engaged in a good cause; and following one's bliss will always lead to a career or a business that will provide great value to others, and bring much good to the world. Compare this to slaving away at a job we do not like ??

3. They talk so much about money and lots of it, but isn't it more spiritual to be poor? I mean, when the Lord was here, he did not seek for riches.
A: 100% the truth! The Lord did not seek Himself for riches, although the temptor tried to use them to entice Him once. When you have the command of the Natural Laws of the Universe as He did, and can manifest food and other things at any time, then there would be little need to ever worry about money or how much of it you had.
But for the rest of us, the scripture says this: By the sweat of your face shall you eat your bread all the days of your life . . .

The world runs by money. Those breadwinners who do not attempt to earn some are not doing what they should. The scripture says that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, and others have said that it is the lack of money that is the root of all evil.

But it is the love of people that is the root of all good, independent of any amount of money.

There is one case and one case only where it is more spiritual to be poor . . . it is the case of someone who loves something else, possibly money, more than people. The poverty that is faced will often help the person to humble themselves, and seek for God. Those who humble themselves and seek for God will of a surety find Him. Once they find Him, then the way will be made clear for them to love their fellow man.

A prophet once said to a group of the poverty stricken: I behold that your poverty hath humbled you, and in your humility you have sought the Lord and been blessed. But more blessed are those who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble; those who remember the Lord and love people in their prosperity. Those who give thanks in all things.

Unto such will more prosperity be given, because they use it to bring value and good to the world, and thus the vibration is strengthened.

So is it more spiritual to be poor? Only in the case described above. If we love people, and are providing value to the world, then having more money will only mean one thing:

We will have more resources with which to love people, and bring more value to the world.

And we will ultimately conquer lack thinking, which has been programmed into most of us for years and years and for generations and generations. I personally see this as one of the great awakenings of this life; the chance to conquer lack thinking once and for all.

Because where we are going, it will not serve us. Greater enlightenment is now coming to the world, not moving away from it.

Those who are grateful for the enlightenment that they have will recieve more, yea even an hundred fold.


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