Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Secret To Relationships

In the Original version of The Secret, Esther Hicks said the following in the section on relationships:

“If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one else to be different so that you could feel good. You would free yourself of all that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. . . It is only you, every bit of it you.

I wish to comment on this remarkable statement. Prior to my watching the movie, I was quite sure that other people had quite a bit to do with how my relationships worked. Now I am not so sure. I agree 100% that if the need to change someone else is part of a relationship, then that is going to be a stress that is hard to get rid of.

In this same section Esther says that they encourage that one make a list of all the things that they like best about the other person in the relationship, be that a child or a spouse or a friend. Use that list to define how to feel about that other person. The message is that as one does that the part that they like about the other person will expand, and the part that we do not focus on will tend to contract.

Now this is not a cure all and I am not sure how it would work for infidelity or other grevious things, but it is a way to take control of energy in a relationship and direct it to a desired end; and is if definately a way for us to understand that we have much more control over how good our relationships are then we think that we do.

I see that as the overriding theme of the entire movie, and that is for us to start to wake up to the power that is within us to effect positive change; and it all starts with what we are thinking, is strengthened by what we are feeling, and manifests based on what we are doing.

So if you think that what you do does not matter; Think Again.


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