Saturday, June 30, 2007

What Does it Mean? "Get Really Clear"

These words were uttered by James Arthur Ray in The Secret just before he asks if we treat ourselves the way that we would like others to treat us. Other than him saying the words, the concept is not further explored within the movie (I am guessing that the Secret Part II will contain more on this).

What does it mean? It has to do with what is going on inside our heads. The movie teaches that we should put our attention and thought focus on what we want, not what we don't want; but our mind can still be crowded with a very long list of different things that we do want, and a crowded mind does not focus too much energy on any one specific thought.

To bring some order to this process, several of the teachers will recommend making a list (actually writing it down is important) of the things that we want, and as Bob Proctor says to "make it in the present tense", like we already had the things we are wanting. The concept of the Vision Board as described by John Asseref is for the same purpose, to keep us focused on those things that we are really wanting.

The "Get Really Clear" part comes in after this. If we assume that our list is created in the order of the things that we want most at the top, then we "Get Really Clear" by spending some specific time each day thinking on - visualizing - meditating on the item that is at the very top of the list, not allowing other thoughts to distract us. Similar time could be spent on the next two or three items, but each item needs to be given specific and un-interrupted time.

One way I have heard the activity described is to play a movie within your mind. The movie stars you as the person who already has the things that you are wanting now. How are you acting now that you already have these things? What is your life like now? Who can you bless now that you were not able to bless before because you have this new thing?

Oh, and by the way, if you are wanting someone close to you to achieve something, and you want to help them, the absolute best thing that you can do to help is to think of them and talk to them as if they had already achieved what they are wanting. That will help them to "Get Really Clear", and will speed the manifestation greatly.

If someone close to you knows about and is supportive of what you are wanting, they could do the same thing for you.

A clear mind is a peaceful one. For those who believe in God it is a mind that feels free of major offense against same. None of us are perfect, but some of us are not trying very hard. Anything that we have done that was an offense to others will not help to clear the mind, so we should do all that we can to remedy such situations. A clear mind is one of the results of having faith, and as such faith should be cultivated.

It also helps to remember that failures happen to everyone, and the only difference between those who manifest what they want and those who do not is how they view those failures. Successful people know that failure is a stepping stone towards manifestation, while unsuccessful people view failure as a sign that its time to quit.

It is not those who fail who do not succeed, it is those who QUIT!



Friday, June 22, 2007

The Nature of Reality

How is that for a title? This is an important subject, to be sure. Prior to my March 2006 viewing of The Secret, I had heard blips and had had glimpses of what is really going on in our reality, but technically I was clueless.

You see, there is just one problem with science at the moment, and that problem is that scientists cannot currently prove that reality is real. This means that the reality that we perceive with our senses; our sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste; is not at it appears.

The problem comes as we are able to see things that are smaller and smaller. The reality that we perceive is based upon the laws of Newtonian Physics, Force equals mass times acceleration and so forth. Gravity is a force that we understand pretty well, because we perceive its actions.

But what the scientists have found as they magnify higher and higher is that the objects that they now behold are not subject to the laws of Newtonian physics, and in fact many of them act like they are not subject to any law. As they magnify more and more they finally come to the conclusion that all matter is really made up of energy vibrations. String Theory talks about this.

So in the movie they say that we are an energy field acting in a larger energy field, and science now begins to point to this. At this level the Law of Attraction is better understood as the Law of Vibration, and it has to do with the energy vibration of our own energy field in comparison with the vibration of fields that are around us.

Fields that vibrate in harmony with ours will be drawn to us, so controlling what comes to us becomes a matter of controlling what vibration that we are in. How does one do that you ask?

Our vibration is controlled by our conscious and our subconscious thoughts, and indication of what it is is provided back to us by our feelings. This means that when we are feeling the positive emotions, then we know that we are in a good vibration for matching the things that we are currently thinking about that we are wanting.

In the movie they say that visualization is a great way to speed the things you want coming to you. The reason why is because visualization is a way to engage the subconscious, and to have it start to vibrate in harmony with the images in the conscious mind.

The end of the matter is this: When the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, and the feelings are all in alignment, then the things that we are wanting are cleared to manifest. Is action required in this process? Almost always yes, but it is inspired action that comes to us by the Law of Attraction, and it must be action that we enjoy doing.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Secret To Relationships

In the Original version of The Secret, Esther Hicks said the following in the section on relationships:

“If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one else to be different so that you could feel good. You would free yourself of all that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. . . It is only you, every bit of it you.

I wish to comment on this remarkable statement. Prior to my watching the movie, I was quite sure that other people had quite a bit to do with how my relationships worked. Now I am not so sure. I agree 100% that if the need to change someone else is part of a relationship, then that is going to be a stress that is hard to get rid of.

In this same section Esther says that they encourage that one make a list of all the things that they like best about the other person in the relationship, be that a child or a spouse or a friend. Use that list to define how to feel about that other person. The message is that as one does that the part that they like about the other person will expand, and the part that we do not focus on will tend to contract.

Now this is not a cure all and I am not sure how it would work for infidelity or other grevious things, but it is a way to take control of energy in a relationship and direct it to a desired end; and is if definately a way for us to understand that we have much more control over how good our relationships are then we think that we do.

I see that as the overriding theme of the entire movie, and that is for us to start to wake up to the power that is within us to effect positive change; and it all starts with what we are thinking, is strengthened by what we are feeling, and manifests based on what we are doing.

So if you think that what you do does not matter; Think Again.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Does Lack Thinking Make you Gain Weight?

The subject of lack thinking and what it is exactly is covered by Dr Michael Beckwith in The Secret. In short it is that may of us tend to have thought patterns that perceive lack; like there is never enough money, or never enough oil, or whatever it may be.

There are some who feel this way as it relates to food, and lack thinking with regard to food is a powerful way to increase ones body size.

I will give a specific example. I generally like the fast food resturant Chick-Fil-A for several reasons, and recently I ordered one of their chargrilled chicken salads. The salad comes with a pouch of croutons and another pouch of sunflower seed kernels. If you check the nutrition information you will find that the salad has 180 calories, the croutons 70 and the kernels 80, for a grand total of 330 calories, which is not a lot for someone on a 2000 calorie diet.

But then there is the salad dressing packet. . . . now sure you can get the non-fat dressing or go with no dressing; but what if your favorite happens to be Blue Cheese? The blue cheese dressing packet contains 375 calories by itself, more then the rest of the salad put together!

Now here is where lack thinking comes in. If one thinks this way they will automatically assume that the entire packet is barely enough or not quite enough to cover the salad, and they would thus use all of it without a second thought. Or worse they could just decide to not have their favorite dressing because they know they would never be able to burn that many calories off.

I do not like either of those choices. Here's a third. Use half of it. That adds 188 calories to the salad, and I found that half of the packet was enough to have enough dressing for the salad. Now the total is 330 + 188 = 518, which is still not a bad amount of calories for a 2000 calorie diet. I think I would skip the waffle fries, but that is just me :-)

If one has lack thinking when it comes to food, they will likely eat more than they need if an effort to fight off "not enough". It is time for some of us to change our thinking on this.


Friday, June 8, 2007

The Law of Attracton and Agency

Given the thought that we attract to us everything that happens to us, many wonder about those who are victims of crime or terrorism or some other horrible thing. Certainly these victims have not attracted such terrible experiences to themselves, the critics say. The Book and DVD The Secret do not delve into this deeply.

I wish to address this idea. Let's start with why these types of horrible things happen in the first place. God could certainly stop them, (and in some very rare cases He has), but generally men are allowed to rampage and pillage and destroy without God's interference. The reason why can be summed up in one word, and the word is agency.

Agency is not a word to be taken lightly. It means that men and women are free to choose their own actions, free from divine interference. Also there are both good and evil influences in the world, so that people could be enticed by both sides, and then make their own decision. We take agency as a given, but it was not as easy to come by as most of us think.

Because of agency, there will be those who choose to hurt others. Once they have made that decision within themselves, then the only question becomes who? Well in the majority of cases the who will be someone that they know. We have all heard about random acts of violence on the news, but that is not the majority case.

In As A Man Thinketh, James Allen says that men attract that which they love, and also that which they fear; not generally that which they want. While it would be necessary in each specific case to do detailed interviews with victims to test this theory, it is my belief that what will be found is that there was a fear somewhere in the victim that was realized by the actions of the aggressor. The Law of attraction will take the aggression offered by the offender and match it with someone who is attracting that like energy through fear or some other program that they are running sub-consciously.

So I would agree that people generally do not consciously attract crimes upon themselves; but they end up attracting them anyway because of specific fears or because of programs that are running subconsciously that were programmed when they were younger. Does this give any new insight on the wisdom of watching the 10:00 news every night? With the advent of the Internet and Global news, every horrible thing that happens among a population of more than 6 billion people is reported worldwide. What is never reported though is the extremely small percentage of the total world population that is affected.

Do not let these types of things control any of your thinking.
